national Level studies

Government of India studies

The Centre has taken up quite a number of studies from the Government of India Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MSJ&E) . The most recent of them are: 

The Study of the Old Old and Oldest Old was undertaken by Dr. P.K.B. Nayar. The report was submitted in 1999.  

A Study on Abuse of the Elderly was also commissioned by MSJ&E and the Centre completed the study and presented the Report to the Ministry in 2006. As mentioned earlier, the study was the outcome of the recommendation of an earlier seminar on the same theme.

Problems and Needs of Widows: A Study in Kerala. This study was a follow-up of the recommendation of the National Seminar on Widowhood in India, 2002. A research proposal submitted by the Centre to ICSSR was approved and the study was completed in 2004.

indian council for social science reserach (Icssr) studies

rajiv gandhi national institute of youth development (rgniyd) study

Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Study on “Inter-generational Integration – A Society for All Ages”.

CGS has always taken the view that aging is a life long process and that the aged should be integrated with the younger generations. Based on this “life course” perspective, CGS persuaded RGNIYD, Chennai to sponsor a study on the Problems and Needs of Adolescents with a view to find out inter alia how the youth of the country view aging and aged people and in what way they could be brought into the culture of aging. The study has brought out some insights on today’s adolescent – their beliefs, attitudes and world view – that may be useful in integrating the adolescents with the generation of the aged.  Adolescents have more fluid mindset which could be more easily influenced than other age groups.

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