International conferences and seminars

First International Seminar on Population Aging in India, 1985

This  was the first seminar of its kind in India and was sponsored by the University Grants Commission of India and the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) New Delhi and was organized with the active collaboration of the five universities on the CGS Board. There were 4 panels (demographic, economic, social-psychological and health) and 10 sessions besides the inauguration and valedictory sessions. In addition to 22 invited papers, several contributed papers also were presented at the seminar. The Report on the Seminar was duly published and copies were sent to the Government of India and State governments besides agencies working for the cause of the old. 

International Seminar on Population Aging in India
International Congress 1996

International Congress on Aging, 1996

This Congress was sponsored by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and ICSSR. It was attended by 164 participants of whom 42 were from abroad. The participants included 4 delegates from China under the Vice President of the Chinese Gerontological Society, the Presidents of International Federation on Aging and International Association of Gerontology, Dr. Charles C. Meyers (a doyen of Gerontology) and other important luminaries who have embellished the aging field. A total of 81 papers including the theme paper by Dr. PKB Nayar and keynote paper Dr. S.D. Gokhale were presented. The Congress demonstrated both the Centre’s standing and credibility in the global aging field and its capacity to organize a world class conference, given the several constraints under which it was working. 

First International Colloquium on the oldest old (80+), 2009

“I would like to thank the organizers of this colloquium for turning the world’s attention to this particular matter of the ‘Oldest Old’ and for alerting us on the existence of a development problem which is hardly taken into account. I hope that the participants from the different countries will be able to share their experiences in the coming days and return with a clearer view on the key areas which need to be addressed in their countries”

                                 – UNFPA Deputy Country Representative, Dr. Marc Derveeuw 

 CGS held this International Colloquium on the 80+ with Focus on Health and Care-giving in Thiruvananthapuram on February 9-11, 2009 as part of its Silver Jubilee Celebrations. This Colloquium is the First Global Conference on this segment of the elderly which is not taken serious cognizance of by those concerned with aging and age care. UNFPA and Government of Kerala were the co-sponsors of this Colloquium. 

UNFPA deputed a number of delegates from the developing countries to this colloquium. The Centre also received financial assistance from the Indian Council of  Medical Research (ICMR), Indian Council of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR), Indian Federation on Aging (InFA), and the Mehrotra Foundation, Mumbai for this Colloquium. The Colloquium was attended by 96 Indian and 24 International delegates besides a number of local participants. 

Click here to read the report of the Colloquium which was published containing inter alia a number of implementable suggestions and recommendations.

International Workshop on Human Rights of Older Persons in the Asia Pacific Region, 2012

This is the first ever meeting of its kind in this region and was organized to support the drafting of a Convention on the Rights of Older Persons. It was co-sponsored by the international Federation on Aging (IFA). It was attended by around 150 delegates with international delegates from all the concerned countries of the region and some from outside the region. The presence of Mr. Anand Grover from the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN OHCHR), Ms. Frederika Meijer, UNFPA  Representative and Ms. Susan Somers, UN NGO Coordinator, Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People (GAROP) may be specially mentioned. The workshop prepared a list of the human rights of older persons and sent it to all those concerned including the UNO office.  

Click here to read the report of the Workshop which of also available on the website of the United Nations Organization under the same title.

International Congress on Elderly Dignity and Abuse, 2014

This was an extension of the National Seminar on Elder Abuse organized by the Centre in 2002. Finding that elder abuse was on the increase and is a phenomenon existing throughout the world, the Centre thought of organizing a global conference on abuse. As abuse id just the opposite of dignity, both these titles were combined for the conference. The conference was attended by over 120 delegates including several international delegates. 

A Report on the conference including the recommendations of the conference was prepared and distributed over a large number of stakeholders. The international delegates agree to present it to their governments for implementation.

Internl. Conference on dilgnity and abuse
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